2016-06-19 11:59 PM
I have wrote program to read data from ms5611 barometer for my F0Discovery board and i have two problems with it. First I need to convert pressure read by uC into alitude. To read real altitude i using code shown below:uint32_t ms5611RealPressure(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c)
uint32_t pressData = 0;
uint32_t tempData = 0;
int32_t realPress = 0;
int32_t dT = 0;
int32_t TEMP = 0;
int64_t OFF = 0;
int64_t SENS = 0;
pressData = ms5611PresTempRead(hi2c, pressure, UHIGH); //odczyt cisnienia RAW
tempData = ms5611PresTempRead(hi2c, temperature, UHIGH);
dT = tempData - (promData[4] * pow(2,8));
TEMP = 2000 + dT * (promData[5] / pow(2,23));
OFF = (promData[1] * pow(2,16)) + (promData[3] * dT) / pow(2,7);
SENS = (promData[0] * pow(2,15)) + ((promData[2] * dT) / pow(2,8));
realPress = ((pressData * (SENS / pow(2,21))) - OFF) / pow(2,15);
return realPress;
and it's work fine.
For convert it to altitude i using function like this:
float ms5611Altitude(int32_t pressure)
float sealevelPressure = 101325;
float MS5611_ALT_Data;
MS5611_ALT_Data = 44330 * (1.0 - pow((float)pressure / sealevelPressure, 0.1903));
return MS5611_ALT_Data;
this function had worked in similar program wrote with StdPeriph, but now i getting compilation error when i want to pass my function pressure readings into altitude converion function. I passed ms5611RealPressure reading into variable and then into ms5611Altitude but it didn't help. When i put for example 453453 variable into pow function everything works fine. I have -lm included into my compilation command.
Error in Eclipse is just ''make: *** [_F0ms5611read.elf] Error 1 _F0ms5611read C/C++ Problem''.
My second problem is I don't know how to create .h and .c file which can work in my program. When i created .h file (put into \_F0ms5611read\Drivers\STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver\Inc) and put variables and function definitions into it and then created .c file (put into \_F0ms5611read\Drivers\STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver\Src) with .h file included my program returned error that it can't find requested functions. I was trying to link .c file to WORKSPACE_LOC but then it was returned many errors for example ''unknown type name uint32_t''.
I'm new in C and STM32 programming and I don't know how to handle with these errors so please for help.
#disco #eclipse #stm32cubemx
2016-06-28 3:30 AM
About your second problem: I Suggest you download and review some of examples which presented in the STM32cubeF0 firmware.You can start from an example under the package, you find the needed include parts for your project.You can take an example as start point to make required updates and refer to this manual : ''Getting started with STM32CubeF0 for STM32F0 Series''Regards