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Problem with new version STM32CubeIDE ver1.5.1 and STM32CubeMX ver6.1.1 (fatal error: usb_device.h: No such file or directory)

Associate II

Before that there was STM32CubeIDE ver1.4.0 STM32CubeMX ver6.0.0 everything was fine.

Installed STM32CubeIDE ver1.5.1 and STM32CubeMX ver6.1.1, there was an error when connecting USB_DEVICE.

Tried creating a project from scratch with nothing but USB_DEVICE. Gives an error message.

What to do?




I had the same problem with CubeIDE 1.9.0. I was looking for the solution for several hours until I saw the suggestion of @IPaku.1​ and finally I could solve the problem. In order to solve it I did the following:

Inside the CubeIDE I went to "Window -> Preferences -> STM32Cube -> Firmware Updater"

0693W00000QKl9YQAT.pngIf you have the same problem, it is probably because at some point you changed the address of "Firmware installation repository". I say this because when I had done that, the problem started.

The solution was click on "Restore Defaults" then "Apply and Close" and finally create a new project.

0693W00000QKlBjQAL.pngI hope you can solve it too. Good luck!