2018-01-29 11:33 AM
I am using KEIL MDK 5 and it is compiling very very slow.
CubeMX v4.24
STM32CubeF4 v4.19.
Any ideas ??
#cubemx-4.24 #keil-mdk52018-01-30 8:46 AM
Already tested with ll library, and same problem.
I am talking about more than 2 minutes compiling time for 8k code size!!
This is not reasonable at all and it wasn't like that before.
2018-01-30 9:39 AM
Try to ask Keil support as well
2018-01-30 10:42 AM
KEIL is not the problem. Someone already asked it. see this discussion:
2018-02-01 12:31 AM
problem on your side is due to the fact thatstm32fxxxxx.h files (files with bit descriptions, peripheral memory addresses) have been enlarged by 2 additional definitions for every bit, and can go up to 20k lines of code in F7 family:
/* These 2 are new for every bit */
#define PERIPH_REG_BIT_Pos 1
#define PERIPH_REG_BIT_Msk (1 << PERIPH_REG_BIT_Pos)
/* This one is old */
#define PERIPH_REG_BIT PERIPD_REG_BIT_Msk�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?
Keil cannot handle (apparently) big files for include. Similar problem does not affect GCC or IAR.
Best regards,
2018-11-28 7:45 AM
Change Arm compiler to use V6, default is V5.
You can modify it on Project Option → Target → Code Generation.