2021-09-20 1:46 AM
Hello All,
I have an STM32WB55 Nucleo board and I want to use the BLE_HID example from the FW folder 1.12.1. I have successfully built, uploaded, and ran the example on my board, however, I am now running into 2 problems:
the STM32CubeIDE will throw the error:
make: *** No rule to make target '/Utilities/lpm/tiny_lpm/stm32_lpm.c', needed by 'Utilities/stm32_lpm.o'. Stop.
And will not build. How do I overcome this problem?
Any help is appreciated!
2021-09-20 4:46 AM
1) The BLE_HID Folder is not the only part of the project:
Each project in the firmware package compiles others folders like :
- either you restructure the project,
- either you just copy the entire STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.12.1 folder, all Projects excluding the BLE_Hid one
and delete the uneeded folders in Users/<username>/STM32Cube/Repository/STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.12.1/Drivers/BSP/
2) Unless there is an .ioc file, there is no automatic tool to do that. Everything would be manual.