2024-04-01 5:31 AM
I want my accelerometer to read data within the range of 4g . i don't know where i'm getting wrong .
2024-04-03 12:10 AM - edited 2024-04-03 7:39 AM
Hi sid,
at frist :
have you put in the pullups (maybe 3k3) at SDL and SCL?
Is the pin 12(AP_CS) pulled to VDDIO? This tells the device to go into I2C mode..
Is the pin 1 ( APD_ADO) on VDDIO or GND? If GND the address is 0x68<<1 (0xD0).
If it is connected to VDDIO then its your address 0x69<<1(0xD2)
Then try to get the "WHO_AMI_I" so you are save that the device is talking with you.
here an untestet code snip. if you debug this you can see at the _hal the returncode of the HAL_I2C
uint8_t Get_ID()
HAL_StatusTypeDef _hal;
I2C_HandleTypeDef* _i2c = &hi2c4;
uint8-t adr = 0x68<<1; // 0xD0
uint8_t _smbuff[1] ;
_smbuff[0]= 0x75 ; // WHO_AM_I
uint8_t _rmbuff[1];
_hal = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit (_i2c, _adr, _smbuff, 1 ,100);
_hal = (HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(_i2c,_adr, _rmbuff, 1,100)); // read
if (_hal == HAL_OK)
return _rmbuff[0]; // Who_am_i = 0x67
return _hal;
2024-04-09 2:22 AM
Hi Sid
is your problem solved?
yust asking