2020-10-13 12:17 AM
STM32F4x7 in-application programming (IAP) over Ethernet based on LwIP TCP/IP stack (AN3968), it is possible to realize this with stm32cubemx. Maybe there are manuals like this done through STM32CubeMX?
2020-10-13 3:48 AM
Hello MJere.1,
Unfortunately there is not an Application Note detailing how to create an "STM32F4x7 IAP over Ethernet based on LwIP TCP/IP" project using STM32CubeMX, but "STM32Cube Ethernet IAP example" User Manual may helps you: https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00103145-stm32cube-ethernet-iap-example-stmicroelectronics.pdf.
You can also find multiple examples in New project window - Example selector, that allows to start a new project from a selected example.
2020-10-13 4:58 AM
Yes, I know this example, this example does not have an ioc configuration file. The problem is that there is a project with an ioc file and a working device, I need to make it have the ability to update via the web interface (for example: routers). Judging by this documentation https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/dm00103145-stm32cube-ethernet-iap-example-stmicroelectronics.pdf such an option is available, I will try to look.
Thanks for helping me,
Regards, Mark :)