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if use FW_V1.10.0 ethernet with UDP ping issue

Associate III

im using stm32h743zi2 nucleo board . im triyng to do programming in ethernet with udp without freeRTOS . using firmware version of 1.10.0 but it is not pinging .  anybody  did programming with this FW  . please let me know the reasons for not ping.

or share me the working code for ping. thanks


"Ping" is based on ARP and ICMP protocols, and it is a broadcast packet. I don't know exactly this firmware and board, but the basic steps for setting the Ethernet are the same for the NUCLEO-boards, and it should work.

  • Open the .ioc file of the project.
  • Set: Connectivity -> ETH -> Mode -> RMII. Leave the other parameters in default values.
  • Set: Middleware -> LWIP -> Enable -> True.
  • Middleware -> LWIP -> General Settings -> LWIP_DHCP -> Disabled
  • Middleware -> LWIP -> General Settings -> IP Address Settings -> [set an IP address, which is in the same sub-network with your PC]
  • Leave the other parameters in default values.
  • Click "Device configuration tool code generation" button.
  • Open this new, generated file: [your project name] -> LWIP -> App ->lwip.c
  • There is a function called: MX_LWIP_Process() (or something similar...). ethernetif_input(&gnetif) is called from this function.
  • Call MX_LWIP_Process() function from main.c -> while(1) cycle.
  • Download the program to the NUCLEO board.
  • Check the IP and subnet of your PC, the connection with the router etc...
  • Try to "ping" the board.

I know it is a long description with some obvious steps, but it is intended to be a common guide.

The more customization you set the more likely to catch a difficulty/bug, but with the default settings it should work.