2021-04-20 3:27 PM
Using STM32F469 DISO and STM32F469VGT6 LQFP package for our board.
The device to be interfaced with STM32F469 SPI port has the following pin outs
2021-05-30 3:03 PM
Hello @PRama.3,
First let me welcome you to the STM32 Community :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Please excuse the somewhat late reply.
For a detailed description of serial peripheral interface (SPI) , you can refer to the STM32F469xx Reference manual: it explains perfectly the SPI functional description as well as its different modes and features.
Concerning the features and options that can be configured within STM32CubeMX GUI for SPI peripheral, different modes can be selected through SPI Mode panel:
Selecting “Full-Duplex Master�? mode for example, different parameters could be set through SPI Configuration Panel (NSS, Frame type and size, pin control, baud rate, SPI Mode Number (Clock Phase & Polarity), CRC, and other parameters).
You can also enable/disable interrupts for SPI in the NVIC tab if you’re willing to use interrupt mode instead of polling the peripheral. And the same goes for the DMA, you can click the DMA tab to “Add�? a DMA channel dedicated to SPI transfer and configure its parameters.
Furthermore, you can mimic an example that best suits your needs to create your project.
Please refer to the table resuming all the available SPI examples within STM32CubeF4 firmware in the STM32Cube firmware examples for STM32F4 Series Application Note. The examples are organized by board and provided with preconfigured projects for the main supported toolchains.
Examples may be selected directly through Example selector or through the already installed STM32Cube MCU package for F4 series:
Hope this answers your question.