2019-01-15 10:11 PM
Hi, I'm using stm32f401RE and making a code with cubeMX.
So I set i2c3 and I was going to get some numbers from LSM303DLHC whic is accelo/gyro sensor.
Here's the codes what I set.
#define Slave_addr (0x1E<<1)
#define X_high 0x03
#define X_low 0x04
uint8_t x;
uint16_t x_full;
and below are the codes in the while loop.
x_full= x_full | x;
message[0]=x_full/10000+ 0x30;
message[1]=x_full%10000/1000 +0x30;
message[2]=x_full%1000/100 + 0x30;
message[3]=x_full%100/10 + 0x30;
message[4]=x_full%10 + 0x30;
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, message, 7, 100);
I wanted to check x value through UART.
However I only get "00155" from sensor and doesn't change even I move my sensor. So I concluded that I set it wrong or misunderstaded functions.
Can you guys check this??
2019-01-16 7:18 PM
I just tested temparature with this sensor and I succeed in get temparature values. Its value goes up when I put my fingers on and it goes down when I put away my fingers. But still, x value isn't change at all