2017-01-30 3:21 AM
I am trying to setup a new touch sense project and have question:
I configured certain pins as TSC, how do I add the the middleware TSC LIb in CubeMx now? For my Nucleoboard L053R8 CubeMX under middlewares doesnt show TSC but only: USB_device/FREERTOS/FATFS.
#tsc #tm32-cubemx2017-01-30 4:39 AM
The TouchSensing is not supported by CubeMx in the code generation, only the pinout is configured for Touch Sensing peripheral.Adding support TS in CubeMx generated code is already requested internally and under investigation.
So, you have to add the touch sensing library manually and define correctly the paths of all required files.
firmware library is available on ST web either as standalone packages or directly integrated into the STM32CubeL0 firmwareunder STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.8.0\Middlewares\ST\STM32_TouchSensing_Library.
You can get inspired from the TouchSensing application under the
package, this may help you to develop your project: STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.8.0\Projects\STM32L053C8-Discovery\Applications\TouchSensingPlease note that you may find more details on how to use the TSL
referring to
this user manual '.Also, several TSC related resources are available on the ST web site. Ex: AN3236, AN3960, AN4310, AN4312, AN4299...
Hope this helps you.
2017-12-17 8:26 AM
Hi ​
Did you ever managed to manually include this TSL middleware in a cubemx generate project?
2017-12-18 3:25 AM
yes , I managed and it is working fine!
2017-12-18 3:52 AM
Thats great to hear! I've been struggling to manually include it in my stm32f042 project.
Could you please explain to me how you included it?
Much Appreciated
2017-12-18 4:11 AM
I just generated a project with cube. Then manualy copied this to my project directory
I am using IAR, so I added the files in IAR .
Then from the firmware of this
i copied the TSC user files. to my project directory and then added them to IAR. Adapted the my project needs. Compile ->worked.
For better warm up I ordered one of these boards: it is a nice playground as it comes with a wheel/slider/buttons
And a nucleol053 board, confugured some pins as TSC. Connected them via jumper cable to the atmel board, adapted the stm32 tsc userfiles-> worked. Nice signal levels.