2020-08-02 8:17 PM
Hi all,
I am now using SYM32F103RE to read data from codec via I2S & write into SD card. I use the HAL library in STM32CubeMX w/ Chen's fatfs & I2S DMA. Unlucky, f_write will sometime return FR_DISK_ERR. According to fatfs, I can only f_close the file in this case. But it only return FR_INVAILD_OBJECT no matter what I do. If I add a 1ms polling delay (HAL_Delay(1)) between each f_write, it works fine. So is there any way to avoid or recover from the problem?
Here is my code:
FRESULT u8_sd_fat_status = FR_DISK_ERR; // 0 = SD card FAT file system is ok, otherwise 1.
uint16_t u32_array_codec_in[512];
f_mount(&SDFatFS, (TCHAR const*)SDPath, 0);
u8_sd_fat_status = f_open(&SDFile, "record.wav", FA_CREATE_NEW | FA_READ | FA_WRITE);
for(unsigned char i = 0; i < 10 && u8_sd_fat_status != FR_OK; i++)
u8_sd_fat_status = f_open(&SDFile, "record.wav", FA_CREATE_NEW | FA_READ | FA_WRITE);
if(u8_sd_fat_status == FR_OK)
uint16_t u16_array_mic_adc[512];
uint32_t u32_rec_file_ptr = 0;
uint32_t u32_i2s_ptr = 22;
HAL_I2S_Receive_DMA(&hi2s2, u32_array_codec_in, sizeof(u32_array_codec_in)/sizeof(uint16_t));
while(u32_rec_file_ptr < 512000)
UINT u32_i = 0;
u32_i2s_ptr += CodecRead(u16_array_mic_adc, sizeof(u16_array_mic_adc)/sizeof(uint16_t) - u32_i2s_ptr);
if(u32_i2s_ptr >= sizeof(u16_array_mic_adc)/sizeof(uint16_t))
u8_sd_fat_status = f_write (&SDFile, u16_array_mic_adc, sizeof(u16_array_mic_adc), &u32_i);
if(u8_sd_fat_status != FR_OK)
u8_sd_fat_status = f_close(&SDFile);
if(u8_sd_fat_status != FR_OK)
u8_sd_fat_status = f_open(&SDFile, "record.wav", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_READ | FA_WRITE);
if(u8_sd_fat_status != FR_OK)
u8_sd_fat_status = f_lseek (&SDFile, u32_rec_file_ptr);
if(u8_sd_fat_status != FR_OK)
u32_rec_file_ptr += u32_i;
u32_i2s_ptr = 0;
2020-08-02 10:40 PM
Sounds like the DISKIO layer isn't waiting on the card to complete the write.
2020-08-03 12:48 AM
Thanks for your reply. But it sounds that I need to go into fatfs driver level. It's not a good news
Just have a look with debugger. The code freeze in disk_write @ ff.c (line 2823). It returns RES_ERROR. But it seems no more detail can be provided
Seems that the data write beyond SD sector block boundary. But I write 1024 bytes each time, which shall not be the case. & this should not be solve by adding delay
2021-07-17 4:13 AM
Hi SSin
I have the same problem as you... when I try to F_Write my Wave data to SDcard it gives me FR_DISK_ERR some times .... Do you found the solution?
2024-11-11 5:30 AM
I am facing similar error in my application. After few hundreds of successful writes, the FATFS gives me FR_DISK_ERR for f_mount itself. Did you find any solution?