2020-02-26 5:51 AM
There is a warning of __set_FAULTMASK(1) when using the STM32CubeMX5.5/5.6 to generate the code for the STM32F334, how to correct it. Thanks!
2020-02-26 12:58 PM
Which compiler? Keil?
Then it should be in .... /Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_armcc.h
2020-02-26 10:01 PM
yes,the compiler is Keil 5.29. cmsis_armcc.h have the definion of it.
Migrate the project from STM32CubeMX4.27 to STM32CubeMX5.6 and regenerate the code, have the warning in the Keil.
2020-02-26 10:14 PM
2020-02-29 4:16 AM
thanks, in the kEIL Edit→configuretion→Text Completion→Dynamic Syntax Checking ( cancel it )