2019-10-29 1:52 AM
I am trying to correctly include the CMSIS DSP Library into Cubemx project. I went threw the forums and look at what ever documentation I could find.
I have noticed that the F4 and F7 that has DFSDM support allow enables the CMSIS DSP lib with example, however that is not the case with smaller F4 and the H7 uC. I have done it on the F401RE/H743ZI(Nucleo) and M4/M7 discovery kit.
Is there a Document on how include to correctly the CMSIS DSP LIB?
The FPU must be enabled(This is automatically enabled with the CUBEMX) and ARM_MATH but other details are vague.
Anyone who can show me how to correctly install this lib it would be appreciated.
Kind Regards