2019-09-24 02:21 PM
I am using STM32CubeMX, STM32CubeIDE and val board STM32F303RE. All I wish to do is recreate the project/examples with the firmware package using CUBEMX and CUBE_IDE combo.
I have been able to get the Examples to work but not as the documents explain.
What I do to get the example design "TIMPWMInput" to work. I open STM32CubeIDE under CubeMX assistance, select a board and instruct the tools not to configure peripherals. This give me the project file structure.
Next, I go to the folder with the STM32_FW_F3 and open the SRC/INC files within the TIMPWNInput. I simply CUT and PASTE the code right over top the code that CUBEMX created. I literally erase everything the CubeMX created. The design now works.
This is not the way it should work as if I update the design via CubeMX it will overwrite everything I pasted providing I keep the items within the USER-BRACKETS which I do.
I wish to create the design 100% through CubeMX to look just like the example code. This should not be that hard to do. I'm very close using CubeMX as I get no BUILD errors. It downloads fine via DEBUG.
It halts at HAL_INIT as it should, I run the design and nothing comes out through "Live Expression"
Any help would be super!