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FreeRTOS + LwIP not working with last version of StmCubeMX


I am working with a STM32F429ZIT MCU based board with the LAN8742 interface and some LEDs. I am sure that the Hardware part works correctly because I use this card with a program made with STM32duino

I created a new project by changing only the following things:

- Added 3 output GPIOs

- Enabled Low Speed ​​Clock (LSE)

- Enabled Trace Asynchronous Sw debugging with time SysTick

- Enabled ETH and changed the Pin "ETH_TXD0" from PB12 to PG13

- FreeRtos enabled with CMSIS_V2 (V10.3.1 and CMISIS-RTOS 2.0)

- Enabled LWIP by selecting Driver_PHY in LAN8742

- CubeMX version 6.6.1

- Added the blink of a led in the primary task cycle using as dalay osDelay ()

When I compile the solution the led is always on, if I try to debug it always stops in osKernelStart (); (I don't know how to go ahead with the debugger once I get to this point)

Commenting out the line "MX_LWIP_Init ();" automatically generated by STMCubeMX, the LED flashes correctly again

Reading on a forum I had found an article where they said that a user had solved with the 6.4 version of cubeMX, I tried and it really works .. I don't understand comunuqe why in the project created with the old version I am not asked for the parameter "Driver_PHY "...

I also checked the document "RN0094

STM32CubeMX release 6.6.1 "to understand what changes from the version that works to the one where it doesn't work but unfortunately my skills are too poor to find the differences that generate the problem ...

Since it is a new project and I have just started developing in the STM environment I would not want to start with old versions ....

Can someone help me?

Thank you



I have tried with version 6.5 of cubeMx and it is from this version that I cannot get it to work.

I noticed that with this version the "Platform Settings" tab has been added where I set the Driver_PHY in LAN8742 in both fields ... I think the problem is linked to this also because during the cubeMX generation it gives me the follow alert:

- Main Config: These peripherals still have some not configured or wrong parameter values: [LWIP, Verify the Platform Settings Tab, Clock]