2020-03-08 9:57 AM
I've flashed my device STM32L496VG with the Cube FreeRTOS Low Power example from STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.15.0.
Now I cannot flash my device again, using both Segger j-flash and IAR.
I'm getting the "connecting to CPU via connect under reset fails".
Any suggestions? how can I re-flash my device if it is constantly entering sleep mode?
Thanks all!
2020-03-09 3:35 AM
Try to put BOOT0 pin to high.
This change the devise boot address and make the bootloader start in system memory.
Best Regards,
Mohamed Aymen.
2020-03-09 8:51 AM
Thanks for the Answer!
Any chance you can explain how to put BOOT0 pin to high on the NUCLEO board?
2020-03-10 8:09 AM
There is a Pin named PH3/BOOT0 on the Nucleo board try to put it in Vdd, and then try to flash your device.
Best Regards,
Mohamed Aymen.
2020-03-15 8:26 AM
OK Thanks!
2020-03-17 1:32 PM
Is it possible to replace going to low power in sleep mode with stop2 mode?
I don't see the power consumption lowering under ~3800uA.
Infact I'm not even sure the device is even going to low power inside the idle task.
I've tried to replace going to sleep mode with stop2 and I see consumption around ~4uA wich is great.
The problem is that the device is not exiting stop2 from within the idle task.
Any idea on how to get the stop2 to work with the configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE FreeRTOS api, or lowering the power consumption when using sleep mode as the low power mode.
Is it even possible to use stop2 or other low power mode other than sleep mode, when using the configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE in FreeRTOS?
2020-04-07 8:13 AM
Yes you can put it in stop2 mode instead of sleep mode.
I already answer this in here,you can try this example.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Mohamed Aymen.
2020-04-07 1:57 PM
Thanks. I’m able to put the device into stop2 mode, but I need an example of ticklessidle and stop2. Could you please send it?
Is it possible to use Usart1 (not LPUART) with ticklessidle? I want to use the uart in interrupt mode or dma mode and still be able to send and receive data with the device going in and out of stop2 using ticklessidle. What should be done in the preSleepProcess and postSleepProcess for the uart to work correctly?
but first could you please provide working example for ticklessidle/stop 2 with just a simple task which toggles a led every 500ms and goes into stop2 while in idle task.