2022-04-28 6:20 AM
Hello All,
I have updated to CubeMX 6.5 and STM32F4 1.27 and now thinks are failing in my project.
I could reproduce this using NucleoF429 board.
When I create example from example selector LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS
when I create example from the board selector nucleo429 and preset all peripherals to default it fails
My investigation shows:
/*----- Default Value for H7 devices: 0x30044000 -----*/
// #define LWIP_RAM_HEAP_POINTER 0x30044000
/*----- Value supported for H7 devices: 1 -----*/
I compared the working RTOS sample and the nonworking NO-RTOS sample.
I can not find differences in LWIP or HAL.
However the ethernetif.c/.h and lwip.c/.h are different.
The RTOS sample uses Transmit_IT() while the noRTOS uses Transmit() in side the ethernetif.c.
Has anyone encountered that defect?
Any hints?
Regards, Adib.
2022-04-28 6:05 PM
The new rewritten Ethernet driver for F4 is significantly broken:
Revert to the previous version...
And also take a look on this:
2022-04-29 11:21 AM
I got the same issue: https://community.st.com/s/feed/0D53W00001VXhtSSAT
2022-05-29 11:39 PM
Hi @Piranha
When you say "previous version" do you refer to stm32f4xx_hal_eth.c/.h from software packet 1.26 ? What about the differences between ethernetif.c/.h provided in the working exemple and the one generated from CubeMX 6.5 ?
Thank you for your help
2022-06-05 5:01 AM
Yes - from the most recent version before the reworked v1.27. As the driver's API in reworked version differs, ethernetif.c/.h files also must be relevant for the previous version.
2022-06-13 12:58 AM
I noticed after migration to new version FW 1.27 in the file lwipopts.h disappeared after generating code the definition:
When I added it to the file, the PING command started working again.
2022-06-14 12:42 PM
How does your ping terminal looks when you don't have that line of code?
I'm using FW 1.27 and when I ping...I get no response, but it seems that it recieves the ping, but not sends back.
2022-06-20 1:41 AM
I fixed some bugs of 1.27 Eth driver, which were mentioned in this thread:
You must replace driver file, you will probably have it in the folder: