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Empty STM32CubeMX project does not work in SW4STM32: Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.



currently, I am trying to debug an empty project created with STM32CubeMX (ver. 4.26.1 and 4.27 tested) in combination with SW4STM32 IDE (ver. 2.5 and 2.6) tested.

But before the empty while(1) loop in main.c is reached the output of the debugger console is the following (see the attached screenshot):

Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x080016ce in main () at ../Src/main.c:98
98	  MX_USART2_UART_Init();

I have several Nucleo-F303RE boards tested on different computers with Windows 7 and 10 and use the HAL libraries ver. 1.10 (and 1.09 tested).

Since I have debugged a project in the same way successfully a few weeks ago, I think the error should not be very complex.

Can anybody please help me to understand the reason for the SIGINT interrupt?

Thanks in advance


In the meantime we think that we could solve the problem.

The error only occurs on high optimisation levels of the compiler in combination with our initial test code. We would ask you again if we have further problems for the final project code.