2016-12-06 12:52 AM
I am trying to install CubeMX 4.18.0 on my Mac (Sierra), opening the installer appears to do nothing, if launched via spotlight i get a warning stating unable to open the programm.
#cubemx #macos #sierra2018-02-08 2:18 PM
The biggest problem people have is they confuse the java runtime with JDK. You need to install the latest Java Development Kit. Then you can run the installer. Straight from the zip with a double-click. Really it works.
2018-02-08 7:48 PM
use the java -jar command on the .exe since the mac installer is broken [no, they dont test anything. if it builds without failing they release it regardless of how bad it is, and wont patch show stopper bugs. they just wait until the next release cycle and maybe your bug will be fixed. dont count on it.]
don't use sudo because you don't want this stuff in your Applications folder anyway. put it in Developer where your Xcode stuff is.
2018-02-15 4:09 AM
Consider yourself lucky! Double-click has never worked for me, even with the right JDK. Executing
/SetupSTM32CubeMX-4_22_0_macos from the command line is what works for me.
2018-05-27 8:32 AM
Works for me, thanks Heath!