2016-03-28 4:40 AM
I use additional targets for tweaking compiling at different stages of the project:
- move in memory - set Vector table offset - compiler defines - user defines to create bin files I use stm32f437 Now when I recreate the project from CubeMX targets getting lost. Pls fix this bug. Regards, Adib. #stm32-keil-cubemx2016-03-28 10:06 AM
Hi Adib,
Thank you for your feedback. The issue has been reported internally.-Syrine-2016-04-12 7:19 AM
Dear user,
Can you please detail where your customizations take place within the IDE and for which parameters: - project target options - project group changes : adding a group, adding a new/existing file, group option configurations. Thanks thank you2016-04-23 1:26 PM
I do modify usually; in the dialog ''manage Project items'': - ADD Project Targets - ADD Groups In the dialog ''Options for target'': - Tab ''Target''change memory settings, IROM addresses - Tab ''Output'' change output directory and name of executable -Tab ''User'' add custom command - Tab ''C/C++'' add include path, add defines, change other compiler settings - Tab ''Linker'' specify different scatter file Regards, Adib. -