2020-03-30 2:14 AM
Hello everyone.
I'm trying to setup ADC in my STM32F107, configuring it with CubeMX (ver. 5.4.0, MCU package 1.8.0), but, I fell into issue.
Multiple issues, actually, but I should start with just one now, I guess.
I notice odd behaviour, while I'm trying to configure my ADC to work with DMA:
At one time after the start, first byte of destination buffer gets filled with a value. This byte (lets consider it's address 0x20000100) never gets overwriten, and no nearby (e.g. 0x200000FF or 0x20000101 and so on).
Sometime after this byte set, program goes to DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler. The call for this function heppend two times only, during whole program run (Half and Full Buffer interrupts, I guess).
I've suggested, that that's might be because ADC has stopped, but ADC1->DR keeps changing.
There's no more changes in the CubeMX generated code, than HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)adc_buf, ADC_BUF_LEN) added in to USER CODE 2 brackets.
Any advice, what could it be, and what should I look for? Thank you.
Project (Cube and MDK-ARM) is attached to this post, as well as the screenshots of ADC config in CubeMX and debug window in Keil.
2020-11-25 12:40 AM
Dear @zedeg ,
Could you please share you .ioc file and it's recommended to use the last available version of STM32CubeMX.
Best Regards,