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Bugs in LL driver for STM32H743

Associate II

MCU:stm32h743vih6 rev.v

STM32CubeMX Ver:6.4.0

Configuration: HSE 16MHz, 480MHz cpu core frequency, system clock mux=pllclk(480MHz), HPRE Prescaler=4.

Project manager -> Advance Settings -> Driver Selector -> GPIO/RCC/CORTEX_M7 all set to LL.

Bug: mcu will runaway in SystemClock_Config() ->  

line 145:  LL_RCC_SetAHBPrescaler(LL_RCC_AHB_DIV_2);

Also, I have attached the .ioc file

Please help to confirm, thanks!


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee


First le me thank you for having reported.

Issue is also reproduced from my side.

Also I noticed that the wait status for Flash Latency is set to 1WS. However according to the ref manual it should be set to 4WS. (check Table 17. FLASH recommended number of wait states and programming delay)

That's why I created a similar project on CubeMx 6.5 and it take the correct value (4WS) and the generated initialization code run perfectly with the LL library.

It seems that this is a misbehavior from CubeMx (as those settings should be set automatically) but fortunately it has been corrected in the 6.5 CubeMx version.

So either you can upgrade to the 6.5 CubeMx version. Or you can change the flash latency setting in the generated code in the "SystemClock_Config" function from "LL_FLASH_LATENCY_1" to "LL_FLASH_LATENCY_4".

Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.

Thank you for your contribution.


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View solution in original post

ST Employee


First le me thank you for having reported.

Issue is also reproduced from my side.

Also I noticed that the wait status for Flash Latency is set to 1WS. However according to the ref manual it should be set to 4WS. (check Table 17. FLASH recommended number of wait states and programming delay)

That's why I created a similar project on CubeMx 6.5 and it take the correct value (4WS) and the generated initialization code run perfectly with the LL library.

It seems that this is a misbehavior from CubeMx (as those settings should be set automatically) but fortunately it has been corrected in the 6.5 CubeMx version.

So either you can upgrade to the 6.5 CubeMx version. Or you can change the flash latency setting in the generated code in the "SystemClock_Config" function from "LL_FLASH_LATENCY_1" to "LL_FLASH_LATENCY_4".

Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.

Thank you for your contribution.


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