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Bug: STM32CubeMX: Project Manager > Project > Firmware Relative Path - Cannot enter a *relative* path

Principal III

In STM32CubeMX 6.8.1. (and before), there is an option to enter a custom path to the firmware. But, in contrast to what it says, I can only pick an absolute path here. This is unwanted when projects are shared between users/machines. For example, I would like to store the firmware in the same git repository as a number of projects using it. Workaround: patching the generated Makefiles :(


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

This is a well known limitation, usually people find some workaround that works for them.

For example you can choose a single fixed location outside of any user profile (such as /opt/st/...)

You can also create symlinks to the Cube firmware location in your projects, and/or use environment variables.