2016-10-26 5:10 AM
I updated STM32CubeMX Firmware to version 1.5.1 and opened my project (I used 'migrate' function). On 'Configuration' page now I see an issue for ADC1: ADC_CHANNEL_TEMPSENSOR is highlighted with red color. GUI says: 'Please select a new value other than Channel Temperature Sensor from the provided list. Value not found.', but there' s only one channel in the list. It looks like a bug, and the previous firmware version didn't have such an issue.
#stm32cubemx-adc1-temp-sensor2016-10-26 7:12 AM
Dear User,
Your issue is reported internally to STM32CubeMX team and it is under review. Thank you for your feedback. Best Regards STM32.forum2016-10-26 9:19 AM
I can add to Alexey's observation that the same error happens with STM32F4 ver. 1.13.1 - both ''Channel VRefInt'' and ''Channel Temperature Sensor'' cannot be selected because of ''Value not found'' error.Przemek2016-10-26 10:10 AM
This was reported when Cube 4.17.0 was released.
Cube complains about the temperature sensor and Vref, but you CAN choose them from the list and the code generated is correct.2016-11-07 1:19 AM
Hello , and