2018-04-12 03:55 AM
I am using a
with STM32L475VGTx. When I generate the source code with STM32CUBEMX 4.25.0 and STM32Cube FW_L4 V1.11.0, i noticed that inside SystemClock_Config() in main.c, the following line of code is not used:RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLM = 1;
So, my USB peripheral doesn't work because USB must be configured to 48Mhz. But if this line of code is not called, the USB frequency is wrongly-configured. But when I add manually this line (and the correct value), USB peripheral works perfectly.
This bug appears in new
STM32Cube projects as well as migrated ones.
I have checked other projects made using
4.24.0 and that line of code is not missing.
#cpu-clock-frequency #stm32cube #stm32cubemx-4.25.0 #bug-report2018-04-18 02:39 AM
Hi Hector,
We are already fixing this issue and it will be delivered in the next release of CubeMX.
As a workaround you can generate the RCC configuration using the LL driver where the PLLM is well configured.
thanks for using STM32CubeMX
2018-05-07 02:59 AM
The 4.25.1 will be available this week fixing this issue
Stay tuned
2018-05-20 11:59 PM
I did not see 4.25.1 generate pllm line.
Did I do something wrong?
2018-05-21 02:04 AM
could you attach your ioc please
2018-05-21 10:51 AM
The file was from 3.0, then reopen and saved in 4.1
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________________ Attachments : USB_CDC.ioc.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hxa4&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b04%2FSz2.42Xw6wLshrIOjt.Yqof458UVaUumWmZpQ8Pn4ik&asPdf=false