2020-12-29 7:51 AM
Hello dear developers, here is a ridiculous bug I have found.
Procedure for reproduction:
1) Open STM32CUBEMX =) (preferably 6.1.1)
2) Create a project. (preferably name it test)
3) Generate source files.
4) Copy the whole folder (If in windows 10 OS, the folder is named test - Copy, rename it to test_2)
5) open the test.ioc file in test_2 folder
6) Generate the code on the second folder.
7) Return to test\Core folder
8) Wow, something is missing, the Src folder is gone!
Please, solve, this, notorious, BUG.
2020-12-30 12:38 AM
Hello Vahid Ajalluian,
Thank you for raising this issue. The problem will be reported internally to be reviewed by our team.
I'll keep posted on updates.
Thanks again for your contribution :)