2023-04-08 07:39 AM
Hard coding address for variables could be problematic as the linker can move them during development. Is there a way to write a variable using its name instead of its address? The variables node has this information. How can I use the name in a templet to change the value of a variable?
2023-04-08 08:52 AM
Should be in object file as a symbol.
2023-04-08 11:39 AM
Mayve start from what do you want to achieve rather than one method which might not be the best solution. Magling through object, map or elf file seems weird.
2023-08-24 02:09 AM
Yes, it is possible by using little helper function node. You can try my WriteByName v1.0 node (tested in STM32CubeMonitor 1.6.0).
Download node source code (can be imported in cube monitor): nodes10.zip - nodes for STM32CubeMonitor
How it works: on the first run all variable names are used to build global variables with JSON messages. Those JSON messages contain variable memory address and type. When buttont/text is entered, this JSON message "value" is modified and sent to "acq out" / "probe out".