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Estoy tratando de iniciar con la board XCore407I, descargue el ide ST32CubeIDE pero quiero generar un nuevo proyecto en Board Selector no esta XCore407I.

Que puedo hacer???


@hernandoac wrote:

I am trying to start with the XCore407I board, download the ST32CubeIDE ide but I want to generate a new project in Board Selector, it is not XCore407I. What I can do???

The Waveshare XCore407I board is not an ST board and isn't available in the Board Selector. Instead, you can select the chip on the board (STM32F407IGT6) and configure clocks and peripherals according to the board schematic.

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Muchas gracias, por la respuesta.

Es la única forma de programar con esta board o existe un IDE donde esta board XCore407I ya este disponible y configurada para iniciar el desarrollo??

Associate II

It seems you are trying to create a new project for the XCore407I board using the STM32CubeIDE, but you are unable to find the XCore407I in the Board Selector. This could be because the XCore407I board is not directly supported in the STM32CubeIDE.

However, you can still create a project for this board by selecting a similar board or the MCU that is on your board. For example, if your XCore407I board uses an STM32F407 MCU, you can select this MCU when creating a new project. Then, you can manually configure the pinout and peripherals according to your board's schematic.

Here is a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Open STM32CubeIDE and click on 'New' -> 'STM32 Project'.
  2. In the 'Target Selector' pop-up, switch to the 'MCU Selector' tab.
  3. Type the name of your MCU (for example, STM32F407) in the 'Part Number' search box and select it from the list.
  4. Click 'Next', give your project a name and select your preferred toolchain.
  5. Click 'Finish'. The 'Device Configuration' window will open.
  6. Now, you can manually configure the pinout and peripherals according to your board's schematic.
  7. Once you are done, click 'Project' -> 'Generate Code' to generate the initialization code for your board.

Really should have a method to load board templates for non-ST products..

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>Really should have a method to load board templates for non-ST products..

How this could be done? Even if board makers or users can submit .ioc files, there's a lot of work to do for every board. So many example projects, 3 toolchains each...  One day, perhaps one will be able to ask chatgpt / MS Copilot/whatever to port examples from ST board package to custom board with available .ioc ...

Personally I'd like to see ST take some initiative of identifying popular boards, and have someone tasked with cultivating support for non-ST boards, and perhaps external peripherals / screens, etc

This could be an incremental effort, a way to test and stress the code generation, and just keep expanding the utility of automated tools.

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Associate II

It seems you are trying to create a new project for the XCore407I board using the STM32CubeIDE, but you are unable to find the XCore407I in the Board Selector. This could be because the XCore407I board is not directly supported in the STM32CubeIDE.


However, you can still create a project for this board by selecting a similar board or the MCU that is on your board. For example, if your XCore407I board uses an STM32F407 MCU, you can select this MCU when creating a new project. Then, you can manually configure the pinout and peripherals according to your board's schematic.


Here is a simple step-by-step guide:


  1. Open STM32CubeIDE and click on 'New' -> 'STM32 Project'.
  2. In the 'Target Selector' pop-up, switch to the 'MCU Selector' tab.
  3. Type the name of your MCU (for example, STM32F407) in the 'Part Number' search box and select it from the list.
  4. Click 'Next', give your project a name and select your preferred toolchain.
  5. Click 'Finish'. The 'Device Configuration' window will open.
  6. Now, you can manually configure the pinout and peripherals according to your board's schematic.
  7. Once you are done, click 'Project' -> 'Generate Code' to generate the initialization code for your board.