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Will there be a PC tool-chain for STM32CubeIDE?

Associate II

In my TrueSTUDIO workspace I have some unit tests which run on PC. Hence these are built using the "Atollic PC Tools" tool-chain. In STM32CubeIDE I cannot find this or anything similar. Did I miss something, will it be added later or am I left to define a custom tool-chain?

So far this has stopped me from migrating to STM32CubeIDE.

Associate III

Thanks for your help. I appreciate you taking the time to direct me, but I still don't know what to do after installing MinGW-w64. The compiler seems to have installed OK, but am I supposed to set up a path pointing to the C:\MinGW directory or C:\Program Files directory? What path am I supposed to add? And is it a system variable or a user variable?

I had downloaded another compiler (see attached) and added a path for it, but the SMT32CubeIDE never saw it and continued to complain that I had to add a toolchain. So apparently there is something else I am not doing and don't know what or how. Maybe my problem is I am an electronics engineer, not a systems software specialist!?!?!?

Associate III

I downloaded the cpputest-demo and opened the project with STM32CubeIDE and got the message that it couldn't find "CommandLineTestRunner.h". I searched my entire disk and it does not exist. (See attached). The IDE just updated itself today, so it's the latest version.0690X00000981BWQAY.jpg

The project is based on CppUTest, so it is needed to install CppUTest.


By the way, my replies are for unit tests. Do you want unit tests?

If your task is to resolve a error message "Please install STM32CubeIDE toolchain to open the project", it is better to post a new question.

Associate III

My initial post asked; " do you select one [ToolChain] and implement it? I am getting error message "Please install STM32CubeIDE toolchain to open the project" when the STM32CubeIDE is invoked when clicking on "Open Project" in SMT32CubeMX." I am trying to replace the IAR IDE with the STMCubeIDE, but when I use STM32CubeMX to generate the code for a sample project that is available for Evaluation Module STEVAL-ESC001V1, it asks to install the ToolChain and stops there. The IDE won't continue to compile the program without this ToolChain. The IAR IDE does work properly. So my question is primitive: What is a ToolChain? Where do I find one for the STM32CubeIDE? How do I install it so the IDE will function? I need very explicit instructions on how to do this, as all this material is new to me. Thanks!




Thanks, Yuk117. Installing MinGW is also how I finally got unit test build to work (however, I installed the MinGW variant bundled with the Qt Creator community version which I have previously experienced to work well with e.g. threads).

It should be noted that setting the MINGW_HOME and PATH environment variables can be done per project within STM32CubeIDE (Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Environment).


Same problem, with STM32CubeMX (5.3.0) and STM32CubeIDE (1.0.2_3566_20190716-0927). After generating code, and clicking on "open project" I have that "please install" error. However, the project can be imported to the IDE, and opened that way.

Can we ask that the people writing the code for these please look into the linking problem?

I was trying to follow the YT video "Getting started with STM32CubeMX" published July 12 2016. Should probably be redone to reflect the changes in STM32CubeMX, as the UI is totally different. Gets confusing.

It may be something about the intended processor.

The YT tutorial uses the Nucleo STM32L07RTZ board.

I just ran a test set-up for generating the initialize code for the "

blue pill" STM32F103C3T6. Imported just fine into STM32CubeIDE.

I'll try again some other time without using the Nucleo board but same processor.

Anyone else reading this can do some test set-up as well, and hopefully report back here with their results.

I added the following (under Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Environment):

MINGW_HOME set to the main MinGW folder (I guess this is C:\MinGW in your case)

PATH: prepended ${MINGW_HOME}\bin;

I think the PATH was already defined correctly when I selected the "MinGW GCC" toolchain, but the MINGW_HOME was missing.

When I build, STM32CubeIDE still complains that "Configuration "Default" uses tool-chain "MinGW GCC" that is unsupported on this system, attempting to build anyway.". Not so elegant, but the build works.