2019-06-11 8:45 AM
When starting a new project in STM Cube IDE there is an option given to generate C++ instead of C code but when selected I still get the same generated c code... If I wan't to use modern C++ conventions what are my options or should I be looking at another IDE?
2019-06-12 1:48 AM
So from the silence I'm thinking C++ support is there in name only... If that is the case then claiming STM32CubeIDE is an advanced C/C++ IDE instead of a C IDE is like promoting Windows Notepad as a HTML editor... while it may be able to handle the file format it's still a pretty disingenuous claim.
2019-08-18 1:07 AM
Hey @norlesh
Did you find a work around?
2019-08-19 2:25 AM
Hi norlesh,
What are the expectations? Not sure if another IDE would help?
STM32CubeIDE uses STM32CubeMX to generate code. STM32CubeMX bases code generation on STM32CubeFw packages which are written in C. So most ST developed software is written in C.
C projects in Eclipse world (STM32CubeIDE) are setup with "cnature" in the .project file which sets up gcc to compile C
C projects in Eclipse world (STM32CubeIDE) are setup with "ccnature" in the .project file which sets up g++ to compile C/C++
But there are certainly features that could be added to make C++ development simpler also in Eclipse. ST are also contributors both to GCC and Eclipse OSS-projects. Feel free to make a wish-list!