2020-12-09 2:43 AM
Dear ST Hello,
I am using the ST-LINK GDB server with STM32F429I discovery board.
Every time I change the software I disconnect and I launch the debugger, is there any button "Reload" in STM32stmIDE?
Thank you in advance,
2020-12-09 4:51 AM
The "Run" button will download a new program to the device.
If you're already in debug mode, the "Terminate and Relaunch" button will do exactly what it says.
2020-12-09 10:39 AM
Hello TDK,
The "Run" button will download a new program to the device.
The "Run" Stop the debugging session and bring me to the C++ default perspective.
"Terminate and Relaunch" works as expected.