2024-12-12 10:09 AM
For context I am using the onboard ST-Link from the H563ZI Nucleo board (this one https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/nucleo-h563zi.html). I am using a STM32CubeIDE demo code with IAR from here: https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-freertos.html#st-get-software in the folder:
I followed the Readme and enabled TrustZone by setting TZEN = B4. And also set the flash watermark definition:
In simple, I need to ability to debug my non-secure code. Right now:
I believe this has to do with the TrustZone MCU that always boots from secure code. Therefore, trying to download and debug directly from non-secure is probably causing an issue.
I have to be missing something as there has to be a way to debug non-secure application, correct?