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Target not responding, retrying but code is working


Hey everyone!
I'm using STM32U083C-DK dev board which has STM32U083MCT6 MCU on it.
Using STM32CubeIDE, I tried to put the device in Stop2 mode (one of the low power modes) entire time and when a button is pressed, it wakes-up, Blinks an LED and again go to Stop2 mode.

The issue is, When I run the code, it is working fine but in the console it is showing "Target not responding...retrying". Why?
Also, when I try to debug the code, it is getting stopped at "MX_GPIO_Init" itself and showing "Target not responding...retrying"

So, can anyone explain what's happening here and how to fix this?


I attached the .ioc and main.c files for better understanding my issue.

Chief II


so you stop the cpu and then debug...?

Did you set. enable debug ...low power ?



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If you see the code, before entering into the Stop2 mode itself the debugger is getting stuck at 'MX_GPIO_Init()' and showing the error "Target not responding, retrying..."

And yeah, I enabled to debug in low power modes as well.

So : did you set/enable debug in Cube/ioc ?

If you set the swd/swc pins to another mode (like analog...) it will break the debug connection.

Set debug on the ioc .




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