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Support for mbedtls/PKCS7 on a Nucleo-F446RE board

Associate II

Hi, I need to implement certificate verification based on PKCS7. I use STM32CubeIDE build 12015_20220302_0855.

I have enabled the MBEDTLS middleware module and I see that some support for mbedTLS is added to the project, but PKCS7 seems to be missing.

Anything I can do, or is this simply unsupported?

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

"PKCS7 seems to be missing"

Could you expand on why you say that?

Associate II

Well, Andrew, first I noticed there are some pkcs related include files, but only for pkcs5, 11, 12. None for 7. Eventually I grepped all the headers in the Middlewares folder in the project, and pkcs7 did not appear anywhere.

so is your code failing to build for lack of those headers?

Associate II

Yes. I have a given algorithm which uses things like mbedtls_pkcs7_init(), and I cannot find the header file where this is defined.

Yes. I have a given algorithm which uses things like mbedtls_pkcs7_init(), and I cannot find the header file where this is defined.