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StmCubeIDE check update problem

Associate II

0693W00000aHedVQAS.pngStmCubeIDE'de help sekmesine girip Check For Target Selector Device Database Updates tıkladığım ekte paylaştığım hatayı alıyorum. Bu sorunla daha önce karşılaşan ve çözen var mı?

ST Employee

Hello @ESulu.1​ and welcome to the Community 🙂,

Thanks to develop your posts in English so it helps us, and the users of our community understand your question and try to help you.

I've translated your question using a translation tool to increase the chances of getting you a reply from our experts and community members, since the majority interact in English.  

Here is the translation of your post using Google translate:

I get the error I shared in the attachment when I go to the help tab in StmCubeIDE and click Check For Target Selector Device Database Updates. Has anyone encountered and resolved this issue before?

A similar question is already asked here.

Try to delete the folder the folder C:\Users\xxxx\.stmcufinder\plugins\mcufinder\mcu

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Thank you


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Associate II

C:\Users\Developer_PC\.stmcufinder\plugins\mcufinder\mcu gittim. Ve sadece mcu klasörünü sildim. Doğru mu? Ama işe yaramadı?:pensive_face: