2023-12-03 5:18 PM
In following up with excellent tutorial for GPDMA between ADC12 and USART1 (removed 2D address) via this link
Based on the event and ioc file from STM32CubeMX and realized either ADC12 or USART1 generated an interrupt at the end of the Linked List's Node block. I figure to do this
extern DMA_NodeTypeDef YourNodeUSART1;
extern DMA_NodeTypeDef YourNodeADC;
static void GPDMA_TransmitComplete(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
if (hdma->LinkedListQueue->Head == &YourNodeADC) // This is working for ADC12
// while(1)
// {
// __NOP();
// }
// ###:ISSUE: Unable to trigger to here, have tried 4 different transfer event config.
if (hdma->LinkedListQueue->Head == &YourNodeUSART1)
The ADC12 callback is working fine, but I am unable to get a callback from USART1.
Attached are two files.
Have I missed something?
It seems there is no configuration option to mask out interrupts from ADC and focus on USART instead?
2023-12-17 12:03 PM
Any progress for this query?, do you need anything more?
2023-12-21 7:29 AM
Hello @Riscy and welcome to the community,
Could you please attach the .ioc file for this project for further analysis of the problem.
2023-12-31 10:49 AM