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STM32H7B3 Discovery Kit - Clock/Flash Code in Cube IDE 1.3 in Incorrect - All Projects Crash

Associate II

0693W000001qqOIQAY.pngI created a new project and selected the STM32H7B3 discovery kit. All default settings, no changes.

When I loaded code, it seems to crash on this line: (debugger connection is lost, etc.)

 if (HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_LATENCY_3) != HAL_OK

which is in

void SystemClock_Config(void)


To recreate, simply create a new project in CubeIDE 1.3 and select all the defaults the wizard gives you.

If I select the HSI in the System Clock Mux, I can debug, etc and the CPU does not crash. There is a bug the default PLL setup for this board.

Also, i checked that the HSE was actually working. I observed a clean 24MHz signal. Looks like the PLL simply isn't working correctly.


I found a bunch of other examples under:


Everyone one of them have the same bug.

Is this expected behavior for out of the box examples? Is there additional configuration required?

Associate II


I just downloaded and install a fresh copy of STM32 CubeIDE 1.4 with the V1.8 H7 firmware support package

*Projects generated with Cube IDE still have bad out of the box configuration*

I tested with the STM32H7B3DK and and created a basic project with CubeIDE. The default settings are:

1.) Setup the CPU for 280MHz

2.) Flash Latency of 4 (3WS)

3.) Voltage Scale of 0.

This configuration will crash the CPU. You can verify this by simply getting a STM32H7B3DK and creating a basic project from scratch.

It is possible to modify things manually to get it to work but the "stock" configuration is still broken. Please report this so it is fixed.

Also, there are still broken projects with similar issues in the V1.8 repository.

For example this project:


Crashes because a bad clock/flash latency voltage scale issue.

It can be easily recreated if you have a board and load the project as is.