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STM32H745 microcontroller getting issue during run time

Ranjeet Singh

when i will run code on CM4
_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000biEAsQAM.pngwhen i run code on CM7


what i am doing wrong ?


Debug the situation.

Determine if the stack gets corrupted.

If the cores are trying to use the same memory for different uses.​

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how i can solve this?

will you share some reference or screenshort ?

This isn't some paint-by-numbers exercise, you'll need to apply things you learned at programming school..

The error for the CM4 on your first post suggests some of the MCU registers got junk loaded in them, and it crashed at some location outside of your source code. That doesn't mean your code is not at fault, just that it went of the edge of the map.

Figure out *how* it got there. Instrument the code so you understand the flow, and the situation in the system as it crashed.

The location reported currently is eerily similar to this, so perhaps the debugger is involved.

*(uint32_t*)0xE000EDF0=0xA05F0000; //enable interrupts in debug

The H7 has RAM both cores can share, make sure you're using different sections of it for stack, heap and statics, so they don't interfere with each other's operation. Check the .MAP files, check the .LD linker scripts for where it's putting things, and have some basic comprehension of the floor-plan to recognize what might conflict.

Perhaps have a serial / uart set aside for each core so you can understand, in realtime, what each is doing, and where in your code/logic it is.

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kindly share the stm32-745 programming school link

please guide properly ,something is issue ether in microcontroller or stn32ide.i have no experiene about multi cortex microcontroller,as i searched this is the issue of boot0 /. but i am not getting solution ,please guide me

please guide praticle not theorticle @Community member​