2019-09-21 1:35 AM
I just wanted to create a new project for the board ( last project I created about 24 hours ago, was still working ). That caused an update to run, the device is now obsolete, and I can't create projects, get the error: The target device 'STM32F429I-DISC1' is currently not supported by STM32CubeIDE according 'Obsolete' marketing status
As of now, the status on https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/32f429idiscovery.html is still ACTIVE. What is that, and how can it be fixed urgently?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-09-23 5:01 AM
Dear community members
The issue that many of you have faced and reported here these last 2 days, where our boards were marked as "obsolete" in STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE has been solved.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
2019-09-21 1:42 AM
Update....ALL development boards are marked as Obsolete!
2019-09-21 2:14 AM
Can you take a picture snapshot of the tool saying board obsolete/all boards obsolete?
This is probably a very annoying bug.
If a board uses a 10years guarantee lifespan, the boards using it should still be useable for debug and maintainance.
Would it feel fair to say that if support/maintainance of development materials ends, it would be still possible for users to have the mean to download the "last working version set" (or give a migration path to newer part?)
2019-09-21 3:02 AM
All development boards became obsolete....very much looks like a bug.
2019-09-21 5:40 AM
Same experience here. I attended an ST workshop 2 days ago and got this board. This board cannot be obsolete, in reality. Has to be a bug.
I tried uninstall and re-install of STM32CubeIDE - got same result.
I pulled out my laptop from the workshop, and disabled the wi-fi before running STM32CubeIDE. Similarly to in the workshop (where there was a very slow wi-fi) - at the time of "Initializing target selector" it asked if I wanted to set up an internet connection. I said no. In this laptop instance, the NUCLEO-L476RG board is in active mass production.
The apparent conclusion is that the target selector performs a transparent update if STM32CubeIDE has an established connection when it's executed.
I'll confirm this in a few - have to drop internet to try it.
2019-09-21 6:19 AM
STM32CubeMX ver 4.26.0
STM32CubeMx ver 5.1.0
STM32CubeIde Ver 1.0.2
inform that the boards are obsolete
2019-09-21 6:35 AM
Ok - I uninstalled and reinstalled STM32CubeIDE with no internet connection, no change in result.
I had to manually go into c:\Users\(me)\ and blow away all 3 directories .stm* and both STM32Cube* directories. These were not erased by the uninstall.
With internet still off, I then restarted STM32CubeIDE and created a new project. The answer box then popped up during "Initializing Target Selector" I selected "no" and "remember my decision". Coming to a further point where more software had to be downloaded (if I were smarter, I may have avoided this by just blowing away only the .stmcufinder directory - but I then opted to turn internet on and "set this connection now". I chose a radio button which selected "no data update at startup" - checked connection (ok) then downloaded the file.
I now have my new project with my target board.
I closed out of STM32CubeIDE and tried to restart. This time, during "Initialize Target Selector" - it downloaded files.....and my board is now again "obsolete" - even though I asked it to "remember my decision" and "no data upgrade during startup" .
More later after I try a bit more refined and less "bullish" approach. But I have to shut down internet again.
2019-09-21 6:44 AM
Ok - my suspicion was confirmed. I shut down internet, blew away only the .stmcufinder directory ( C:\Users\(me)\.stmcufinder\ ) and STM32CubeIDE "remembered my decision" - I again have my new project on my board.
One more time..... with feelin'
2019-09-21 6:52 AM
Same here, running latest STM32CubeIDE on Arch-Linux and on Windows 10.
2 Days ago I was able to start a new project based on STM32F429I-Discovery and STM32F746G-Discovery. Today I can not.
In my opinion this must me a bug. But a very annoying one, since I have to make a demo on the STM32F429I-Discovery over the weekend to show it my customer on Monday...
This is bug a very bad show stopper for me.
2019-09-21 6:53 AM
This time, it wasn't necessary to blow away any files. I just restarted STM32CubeIDE with internet off so that .stmcufinder wouldn't get "upgraded" to having all the boards obsolete :) - it seems I can again, after "Initializing Target Selector" is complete, turn on internet again.
"Don't tell me.....I've nothin' to do...." - I'm going back to counting flowers on the wall......