2022-06-15 03:33 PM
I have the STM32F407VGTx processor and I have issues with the LwIP Ping when I'm using firmware 1.27.0.
I was told by some one that firmware 1.27.0 for STM32F407VGTx processor contains a lot of bugs and he recommended me 1.26.2 firmware instead.
But when I create a new project fo my processor, then I cannot select firmware 1.26.2. Instead it chooses 1.27.0 for me and download it. It seems that the processor STM32F407VGTx only can be used with 1.27.0 and not 1.26.2?
Can some one upload a STM32CubeIDE project for STM32F407VGTx with firmware 1.26.0 here so I can download it? I need to make sure that ping is working.
2022-06-15 10:47 PM
Use STM32CubeMX for that. First Intall the required FW package (Alt+U). When creating the project, in the Project Manager unselect "Use Default FW" and browse to the 1.26.2..
Btw: all firmwares are avail. online https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeF4/