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STM32CubeIDE offline installation: Firmware Package problem

Associate II

I downloaded and installed the latest STM32Cube IDE. However, I can't compile even the simplest program, because during the creating of a project I get warning stating that I must download and install the Firmware Package.

The system is a Windows 11 virtual machine without Internet access, so I suppose I should download Firmware Package on other computer and then copy to the VM. However, I cannot locate that Firmware Package.

The problem is very similar to this one:

However that solution didn't work for me.


@BarryWhit wrote:

You now know how to manually install firmware packages, how to manually install the latest patch, and how to manually choose the firmware version.

I really know all of that, and much much more. I've been programming MCUs for decades. Therefore, I must miss some small thing, and there is none who can tell me what it is.

I expected to find help at the STM32 official forum, but I was wrong.

II am not the only one who has the same problem I have. Here is a link from my first message (which you obviously overloooked):

This developer had the same problem as me, and there are more simmilar questions.

If you are one of the STM32cube developer, you might consider some easier access to the "Hello World" application.

Last words: embedded IS for me.

Thank you for your time.

Associate II

I solved the problem. Later I shall post the solution that worked for me.

Unpacking zips downloaded from github or applying patches should just work as explained by others. If it isn't, you do something wrong or something is missing but it's hard to tell what.

If you can download stuff on other computer connected to normal internet: Just install CubeIDE on that computer and install the needed library/firmware in a normal way. Then copy the downloaded library directory to the machine in jail.


I thought I had solved the problem, however I had been wrong.

Being a completely newbie about STM32CubeIDE before, I now know how to install firmware package and / or patch. The only thing I don't know is how to select the real one.

Suppose having STM32F103C8T6: which package or patch should I choose?

(Presently, using some of the patches, I can get the generated source code, but it wouldn't compile, saying missing some *.h file.)


@Pavel A. wrote:

Unpacking zips downloaded from github or applying patches should just work as explained by others. If it isn't, you do something wrong or something is missing but it's hard to tell what.

Everybody was right (except me Everything about firmware files works, I'd just want to know whitch to use for STM32F103C8T6.


@Pavel A. wrote:

If you can download stuff on other computer connected to normal internet: Just install CubeIDE on that computer and install the needed library/firmware in a normal way. Then copy the downloaded library directory to the machine in jail.


Nice idea, however that virtual machine cannot have an Internet access.

Thank you all!

Associate II

My target MCU is STM32F103C8T6.

I downloaded the following firmwares and patches:


None works. The best I can get is with , which generates the startup code, but fails to compile it. The IDE reports that core_cm3.h is missing. I guess the other errors are related with that first one.

@Pavel A.I have not other computer capable enough to run the STM32CubeIDE. However, this is a good idea.

It's been a slight mess with the firmware and patch versions. I shall explain how I got the system running

My target MCU is STM32F103C8T6. I downloaded the navigating from this link .

After that, I extracted this file to the following path: c:\Users\YOUR-USERNAME\STM32Cube\Repository . (If there wasn't that folder, you should make it manually.)

Now I ran the STM32CubeIDE; then: File / New / STM32 Project. I chose STM32F103C8T6 in the next dialog box, and typed in some project name.

Now part that is important: do NOT click Finish, instead click Next.

Under Firmware Package Name and Version I chose V1.8.0, then clicked Finish.

Now you can use Press / Generate Code. Code will be generated.

When you click Build, you get the code compiled without errors and warnings


This solution probably isn't a universal solution, that should work in every case. However, it seems to be working


Thank you all for the help. I do have some other troubles, but I think the current thread is completed