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STM32CubeIDE not including library files correctly

Associate II

I am very new to STM32CubeIDE as I am switching from Keil to Cube. I included a library for an lcd and added the path of the library. The IDE does not recognize any functions defined in the library as I get the error "undefined reference to " function.

No error or warning is given at the "#include" for my header file within my code.

Am I missing a step when adding a library?

Is there a tutorial that would explain how to add such a library for this IDE?


I managed to successfully add a library for HX711 load cell amplifier. The library can be found here:

After including the header file of the library, I copied the c-file to the project folder. That seemed to be all that had to be done (it was also successful with the lcd library).

Unfortunately my issue isn't completely resolved.

I am also working with VL53L0X distance sensors which is dependent on ST's API that they have developed for it. The VL53L0X has a lot of headers and c files that needs to be referenced to. I tried only copying the header and c files included in my main, but that still gives the "undefined reference to" error.

I right clicked on the project folder and went to properties. Under C/C++ Build I went to settings and the tool settings. In tool settings under MCU G++ Linker/Libraries I added the paths to the directories.

When I have finished adding the directories I "apply and close" then clean my project and the build it. I then get the error "cannot find -l" next to my added path.

The path I provide starts in my C drive (C:/). I don't know whether that has an influence?

Maybe CubeIDE only searches within its current directory?

Thanks to anyone who helps (and even reads) with my question.


I guess same as :

Takes care about your include coloring ... Is such include setupeffective from Eclipse point of view already ? Please could you check if such line is leading to plain or grayed include like following sanpshot ... if grayed means Eclipse not able to reach


I use STM32CubeIDE




I see what ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif highlighted in gray , although I was creating a C ++ project. I think that the C ++ project is not created correctly, it is created as a C project. But how to fix it and why this happens I don't know....

Sounds ok but most probably your issue is project.cpp not project.h

Works for me. Looks at snapshot below. I've added my x2 files (project.h & project.cpp) plus project.h include within main.c. Obviously I'm using project.h prototypes within main.c.

Compile sucess. G++ is well invoked as expected.


all ok in my project.cpp. If i create new STM32 project , the code work true. But if I create project from .ioc file th bug.


Is your project well set as C++ project ?. Many way to know.

1) All case select your project from project explorer view. Then mouse right click to get contextual menu

2) Either: you should be able to see a menu so called "Convert to ...". If convert to C++ means your project setting is C ....

3) Or: rely on properties to get build settings. Are C & C++ compiler options (includes for example) visible ?

If your project is not C++ sounds like a bug creating your project. Work around if required is obvious let's perform previous "Convert to C++"

Thank you! Problem solved. I took your advice and converted it to c ++ . After that, the project compiles without problems. Nevertheless, I am absolutely sure that I created a C ++ project. So it is an obvious bug CubeIDE. Despite the choice in the wizard C++ he creates a C project.


Good to get compile sucess. Just having a try from .ioc project creation and C++ selection is providing me a C++ project.

In any case Convert feature sounds working fine so


Hi I have encountered ​the exact same problem as you did. And I have solved the problem.

I found this can be solved by including it's .c implementation, such as:

#include <stm32746g_discovery_lcd.h>
#include <stm32746g_discovery_lcd.c>

But this is not a correct way to solve it.

The correct way is: Besides adding the folder of the header file to Includes, you have to also add the folder of .c file to linker folder.

Here is my note:

Hope it's helping. ��


My solution [on change of USART from HAL to LL (or vice versa)] is to change the label of an unused pin in the .ioc file, save .ioc then generate code- the hal code should appear/compile now.