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STM32CubeIDE/ Cant add library to project file

Associate II

Hi all,

Im having problems with my IDE, I cant seem to add the stm32f407xx.h library to my project, which is an internal library provided by ST. I added it to the linker GCC both the path to the file directory and the file itself and its still not accepted by the compiler.






Is that possible to attach your project?

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Yes, here it is.


Your project structure is missing the drivers: CMSIS and HAL:


I invite you to look at one of the examples provided by STM32CubeF4:

example: to show how a project is structured.

Or simply generate the code with CubeMx. It will generate all the needed drivers' files.

PS: looking at your main.c file: I don't recommend to start with direct access to the registers from the beginning. Start by using HAL then switch for an optimization as you did.


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ST Employee

Meanwhile, I tried to let your project compile (in attachment). This doesn't mean it the project will run well as I didn't test it.

Again, this is not the common structure of an STM32. Just I added the missed files under \Inc folder.

Hope it helps.

PS: if the attached example does not run as expected, please open a new thread.

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Thanks for the support.

I started using direct access because I simply taught thats how most embedded C developers work. I dont know if companies prefer to use the HAL drivers or they directly write data to the registers.

I'm currently a test engineer in electronics, and would like to be a embedded C developer, if you have any tips I would appreciate it!
Thank you, 
Best Regards