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STM32CubeIDE - Auto-complete (Ctrl+Space) is not working

Senior II

Hello, I installed STM32CubeIDE and imported (a copy) of a TS project.

Quickly, I hit an issue: auto-complete proposals (Ctrl+Space) gave no proposals in STM32CubeIDE. The pop-up window only shows 'No Default Proposals'


UPDATE: I fixed it, the preferences setting needed to be a little bit different than in TS.

In Preferences -> C/C++ -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced

I checked the following boxes:

  • Parsing-based Proposals

Both in the upper and lower window.

Note, I imported my preferences settings from TS, as it is a huge task to manually get the IDE colors right, otherwise. I think this disabled the auto-complete feature (which worked in TS).

I hope this helps somebody, when hitting the same problem.

Some other remarks for who is interested.

I noticed it uses 'arm-none-eabi-gcc' instead of 'arm-atollic-eabi-gcc'.

The compilation time is about 30-50% longer (all threads enabled).

TS used to ignore changes in the header files, making a rebuild necessary in order to reflect any changes. This issue is solved in the new IDE!



came here to say the following:

I had this too when I installed the latest CubeIDE on my Macbook Pro on mac OS Big Sur 11.7.2.

I changed the dark mode back to classic and then found out I the autocomplete (Ctrl-Space) didn't work.

After long searching and trying I found out that Fn+Ctrl+Space however DID work!

So, I checked the settings in OSX and found a conflicting shortcut:

(System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Input Sources > Select the previous input source)


After disabling this unused setting, CubeIDE's autocomplete worked again with Ctrl-Space.

Just my two cents.


Thanks, saved my day, you also have to deactivate the shortcut key (Ctrl+Space) on macosx by going to System Preferences >  Keyboard > Shortcuts , in case it is being used elsewhere, in my case it was being used to switch between the input languages





I instead switched the hotkey to command + space instead of control + space. Unfortunately I am still seeing a blank whenever I try to use the content assist/autocomplete suggestions for functions. What am I missing?

MacOS Ventura 13.5.2

I found the issue from this:

The indexer needs to be enabled within the project. Go to Project -> Properties


Then C/C++ General -> Indexer


I checked all the boxes and it worked. It may also be helpful to enable the indexer in CubeIDE preferences.

STM32CubeIDE -> Settings


C/C++ -> Indexer, and I checked all the boxes.


I can see suggestions for autocompletion:


Now, why this isn't enabled by default is very confusing to me. This took up valuable time to enable functionality that should be there by default. Finding function completions should not be a guessing game for the user.