2021-02-24 7:00 AM
STM32CubeIDE 1.6.0 was released this week on st.com as well as a in-tool update patch.
Caution: The in-tool update does not allow updating drivers and ST-LINK server tool. Full installer is required for this.
What is new in 1.6.0? (only some highlights)
Main issues fixed in STM32CubeIDE 1.6.0
Only a sub-set of the many tickets closed are mentioned in the release note.
Known problems and limitations
Please refer to the release note.
Where do I Obtain CubeIDE 1.6.0?
2021-02-24 10:47 AM
does it fix the egit problems?
2021-02-24 11:58 PM
Hi @JSchn.4,
Yes, the new version relies on a new JRE and Java11 which should resolve the eGit issues.
We ran into some issues yesterday when publishing other related Cube packages. Hence we had to "unpublish" STM32CubeIDE 1.6.0.
Our apologies for any inconvenience! 1.6.0 will soon be available again...
2021-02-26 4:29 PM
Updated from v 1.5.1 today, on WIn10, from the IDE itself.
The update worked well, but here are some issues - in order of occurrence.
1 The update components are still unsigned :( At least, signature isn't recognized.
2 After update, the version in the Windows Registry still is 1.5.1., and the desktop shortcut still says 1.5.1.
Will affect these who detects the version using the registry.
3 After update, the ARM toolchain 9-2020-q2 is installed, but the previous 7-2018-q2 remains installed too.
This IMHO is good because users may want to keep the previous toolchain for existing projects.
Swapping the toolchain on existing project is the proverbial cheese-moving.
This is exactly what happened to my projects: toolchain changed to the new one.
And it won't let me select the 7-2018 although it sits on the disk.
The Toolchain manager thinks it is NOT installed and shows now this:
4 The change of project toolchain clobbered all my debug configurations.
Attempt to create new configuration (based on new toolchain) failed - it still demands the old toolchain for some reason, but Toolchain manager won't find it, as shown above.
5 In the .cproject file version 1.6.0 inserts extra empty line after every text line.
These who track changes of .cproject in version control will be puzzled.
-- pa
2021-02-27 2:33 AM
Update to 1.6.0 seems to show some strange error in my headless builds:
Java was started but returned exit code=1
as well as:
Managed Build system manifest file error: Could not load icon "icons/chip.png".
2021-02-27 2:38 AM
@mattias norlander
Well, does this mean I need to do a rollback to 1.5.x or just wait for the fixed version and install over 1.6.0?
2021-02-27 5:03 AM
Since I did not have too many individual configurations (debug, run, toolchain), I did not upgrade, but uninstalled the old version and re-installed the new version. Everything worked fine for me. But the egit test is still to come. Has anybody already tried it?
2021-02-28 11:37 PM
Hi Pavel.A,
1/ True, unfortunately. Things are moving, actually not as fast as we would like. Anyway this is not blocking at all.
2/ This is expected, uninstall.exe from install path is linked to the original version. If product update propagate the version to the registry then native uninstallation might be broken.
3-4/ Do you have any errors when trying to install gcc7 ? If so past them here, plus possibly your workspace log file (workspace/.metadata/.log).
Here is how it is supposed to work: select it and press Install button, let installation proceed into the background (see it in status bar at the bottom-right corner), restart STM32CubeIDE when prompted, and it should be there.
Then you can either set this version at STM32CubeIDE global level from the Toolchain Manager, or per project (see Project Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Tools Settings tab > MCU Toolchain).
5/ This is actually well known from upstream component (Eclipse/CDT), caused by the migration to Java11.
It should be solved when upgrading the Eclipse platform later this year.
Kind regards
2021-02-28 11:52 PM
No roll-back needed. It was the same identical package that was initially published/unpublished, that then later was re-published. So, no need do any rollback. Assuming I understand your question correctly?! If not, feel free to elaborate...
2021-03-01 7:01 AM
I don't quite understand what the problem was that made you republish.
I installed the update through the IDE notification. How can I check if I have the "latest" package?