2021-02-24 7:00 AM
STM32CubeIDE 1.6.0 was released this week on st.com as well as a in-tool update patch.
Caution: The in-tool update does not allow updating drivers and ST-LINK server tool. Full installer is required for this.
What is new in 1.6.0? (only some highlights)
Main issues fixed in STM32CubeIDE 1.6.0
Only a sub-set of the many tickets closed are mentioned in the release note.
Known problems and limitations
Please refer to the release note.
Where do I Obtain CubeIDE 1.6.0?
2021-03-03 5:26 AM
I switched to version STM32CubeIDE_1.5.1. Slightly corrected the .ioc file, changing the version of CubeMX. In this form, everything starts! Later, maybe my problem will be solved in the new additions to the release of STM32CubeIDE_1.6.0. When I sit down at a work computer that also has an update installed, I try to figure it out. I will follow the topic.
2021-03-03 5:31 AM
2021-03-03 7:14 AM
> I am actually using the project with SmartGit (advanced Git GUI software) and have never configured the project for Git in CubeIDE.
Same here. Using SmartGit, it works well, never attempted to mess with Eclipse.
-- pa
2021-03-03 7:20 AM
@ADmit.2 Your build log says: multiple definition of SystemInit, SystemCoreeClockUpdate.
There's dupilcate file system_stm32xxxx.c
Review the project tree, find where the duplicate system_stm32xxxx.c comes from.
-- pa
2021-03-03 7:22 AM
Thanks @Pavel A. , I just contacted SmartGit support and they also don't think this has something to do with SmartGit as it is just some utility on top of Git. BTW, do you have messages like this in your log:
org.eclipse.team.core.TeamException: Could not instantiate provider org.eclipse.egit.core.GitProvider for project
And regarding headless build: What does this chip.png file here actually refer to? Some image from the CubeMX config with a STM chip logo?
Managed Build system manifest file error: Could not load icon "icons/chip.png".
2021-03-03 7:22 AM
Thanks @Julien D_OEHAUDT . Fortunately the debugger prompts for toolchain every time it's missing so it gives opportunity to fix it.
Anyway, the latest toolchain should be better than previous...
-- pa
2021-03-03 7:31 AM
chip.png is this icon:
Located in plugins/com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.toolchain.arm-none_1.6.0.202102120935.jar.
2021-03-03 7:35 AM
Pavel A. (Community Member)
Hello! Here's what I managed to find. And indeed, there are other duplicates. What to do with them, tell me? But how did that happen?
2021-03-03 7:42 AM
2021-03-03 7:47 AM