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STM32Cube IDE, it's a pain in the back to create a new project

Associate III

Being a NXP fan, I need to use the STM32 ecosystem because there's enough stock (60000+) for the STM32G070 microcontroller (besides it fulfills my project needs); however, using the IDE has been a pain in the back, so that I'm considering to going back to NXP even if I'm gonna suffer with its stock (and higher prices).

First, while creating a new project for such microcontroller in my Linux Mint box, the IDE (1.12.1) stucks at window "Licensing agreement". It tooks several minutes to render the content of such window. Nothing seems to happen when either I click on "Click here to..." or "I have read..." ("Cancel" button doesn't even respond!).

Then these next console messages are shown when it finally finishes with this window (arount 20 minutes):

$ /opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.12.1/stm32cubeide_wayland %F
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
1 : Invalid condition id : UX_CORESTACK_Condition cause : null
1 : Invalid condition id : UX_CORESTACK_Condition cause : null
1 : Invalid condition id : UX_CORESTACK_Condition cause : null
1 : Invalid condition id : UX_CORESTACK_Condition cause : null
1 : Invalid condition id : UX_CORESTACK_Condition cause : null
[19170:19170:0710/] Cloud management controller initialization aborted as CBCM is not enabled.
[19170:19170:0710/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.portal.Settings.Read: object_path= /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop: org.freedesktop.portal.Error.NotFound: No se encontró la configuración solicitada
[19207:19207:0710/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No existe el archivo o el directorio (2)
[19207:19207:0710/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No existe el archivo o el directorio (2)
[19207:19207:0710/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No existe el archivo o el directorio (2)
[19207:19207:0710/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No existe el archivo o el directorio (2)
[19207:19207:0710/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No existe el archivo o el directorio (2)


Then the IDE closes itself. Then, when I launch the IDE again, it stucks forever in the splash window

Is this the price to pay for using your tools?

This misbehaviour has been there for a long. Is there a prove workaround for these two problems? Take into account that I can't delete the working directory any time I need to open the IDE.

Thank you!





I like Ubuntu Linux, but was always frustrated with the extra head knowledge needed for a Cube installation.

Before abandoning Cube, try a Windows installation. It should work fine there.


I got to know STM32CubeIDE first, then I got to know MCUXpressoIDE,

MCUXpressoIDE was a little strange for me to be able to load a ready-made example project, maybe it's normal because it's something different from what we're used to using.

But it seems to me that the MCUXpresso libraries are more complete than the STM32Cube libraries, so the developer has to evaluate whether he wants to waste time rewriting the wheel and use STM32, or wants to pay for something more complete like NXP.

Take the case of support for HUB in the USB Host stack, it's been a decade and no support, not even support for multiple HID interfaces has been implemented:

Today I found the NXP USB Host stack, and there is support for HUB:

Hi! Thank you for the suggestion, but I live my life around Linux; I haven't used Windows for 15+ years, so unfortunately it's not an option.

MCU-Xpresso from NXP (based on Eclipse too) works nice and flawlessly, however as I said, the STM32G070 has a lot of stock and in these post-pandemic times that's a primary factor to take into account for new designs. Hope STMCube IDE gets better.

@raptorhal2 wrote:

I like Ubuntu Linux, but was always frustrated with the extra head knowledge needed for a Cube installation.

Before abandoning Cube, try a Windows installation. It should work fine there.

Indeed the Linux CubeMX had a problem with Java support, but this has been changed, I have STM32CubeMX, STM32CubeProgrammer and STM32CubeIDE installed on Linux, and they all have installers (almost completely functional, with the exception of the STM32CubeMX shortcut that was not created, but I managed to do it manually)


@XR.1 wrote:

[19207:19207:0710/] Failed to export buffer to dma_buf: No existe el archivo o el directorio (2)


I noticed some words in Spanish in your system messages, it took me a while to learn that it's best to have a system in English to make programs, either for a computer or for a microcontroller, mainly to look for help in the errors that may occur.

Hi, i run the stmCubeIde on my PC (on linux MX18 , 5 y old now) and at work on some win PCs , so i can compare;

all working ok, but on my linux it is a bit faster and behavior , when switching from edit to debug is perfect. 

on windows i need to switch manually sometimes (!) , to get the desired view.

and NXP espresso i have installed also, but i dont like this crazy "generate new sdk all the time" to do a small change on something. STM doing this better, except when you hit an error in the generated code. But there might be some errors in the code generators of all manufacturers . :)

btw i run STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.10.1 , and dont update, if not forced to do, because this system still runs fast and perfect, so update is more a dangerous game for me...

(and do a search on forum, for linux...problems , there are some solutions )

If you feel a post has answered your question, please click "Accept as Solution".

@AScha.3 You can easily install multiple versions of IDE side by side, which can also all access the same repository.

In order to give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
Pavel A.
Evangelist III

@XR.1 Unfortunately, Mint is not a supported Linux version for CubeIDE.

The list of supported versions can be found in the installation guide, pg. 2.

A new IDE and library set always is a learning ramp for beginners, but suffering is not mandatory. Skip the effort by hiring a consultant. Get your tools and libraries prepared and installed for you, stay focused on the essence of your project.

But there might be some errors in the code generators of all manufacturers.

The reality is the exact opposite - with a few exceptions, most of the manufacturer provided code from most of the manufacturers is just full of bugs and other issues.

Post edited to adhere community guidelines.