2021-12-12 8:04 PM
Earlier I used the STM32CUBEIDE 1.7.0 version it works fine then I update it to 1.8.0 then I faced an issue while debugging it showing an Error in the final launch sequence:
Failed to start GDB server
Failed to start GDB server
then I uninstall the 1.8.0 version and reinstall the 1.7.0 version but still, I faced the same error.
So, how can I fix this issue?
Thanks in advance.
2021-12-12 8:24 PM
Which debug probe are you using?
2021-12-12 9:09 PM
I am using ST-LINK-V2
2021-12-12 11:35 PM
Are you able to program the mcu using different software like STMCubeProgrammer? This will make sure that your probe and mcu are working correctly and non of them is faulty.
2021-12-13 6:16 AM
Unfortunately, Eclipse is just not the most robust piece of software. In addition, the debugging tools are often flaky.
If STM32CubeProgrammer connects, the hardware connection is there. Try restarting STM32CubeIDE and/or power cycling the chip.
2021-12-13 8:35 PM
Install ST Server again and reboot ...
2022-03-10 7:15 PM
Did you find any solution?
I encounter exactly the same problem
I also tried to flash the program using STM link utility and it works fine,
it is just the debugger from 1.7.0 that I cannot use
2022-03-10 7:15 PM
I tried this, it doesn't work
2022-07-05 3:10 AM
Has anyone found a solution to this? I have the same problem and I have tried all the above mentioned - still not working
IDE Version - 1.7.0
Debugger used is ST-Link V3 mini
2022-07-05 5:17 AM
Which STM32 or board do you have?
From my experience, debugger in v 1.7.0 works just fine with ST-Link V3 mini.
Newer versions seem to have some regressions.
If you've copied existing project from other PC or from Linux, try to re-create debug configuration from scratch.