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ST link error: Failed to bind to port 61235; Failure starting SWV server

Associate III

Hi I am experiencing an issue on my IDE I couldn't able to Run/Debug .However the ST Link can be communicated with the target in STM32 Cube programmer but not in STM32 cube IDE.


Console  Error:

STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.7.0

Copyright (c) 2024, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.


Starting server with the following options:

Persistent Mode : Disabled

Logging Level : 1

Listen Port Number : 61234

Status Refresh Delay : 15s

Verbose Mode : Disabled

SWD Debug : Enabled

InitWhile : Enabled


Failed to bind to port 61235, error code -1: No error

Failure starting SWV server on TCP port: 61235

Failed to bind to port 61234, error code -1: No error

Failure starting GDB server: TCP port 61234 not available.

Shutting down...




Can someone Please help me



@meena wrote:

Failed to bind to port 61235, error code -1: No error

Failure starting SWV server on TCP port: 61235

Suggest a "network" issue (even if everything is local to the same PC).

STM32CubeIDE does require some Windows Firewall exceptions - presumably for this kind of stuff.

So maybe something has messed with that...?

ST Employee

Or try to unisntall CubeIDE and install the latest version 1.18.0.

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its windows defender blocking the St_link server.Thanks for the support.


Yes Updated and still its Firewall blocking the Stlink server. Thanks for the support.