2023-12-13 8:01 AM
I tried this tutorial on NUCLEO-L412RB-P, it was said "The HAL_EXTIX_IRQHandler and EXTIX_IRQHandler are inside stm32l4xx_it.c file.", I haven't find "EXTIX_IRQHandler" there, is it in somewhere else, or it was needed for L412RB-P?(the tutorial based on NUCLEO-L476RG)
2023-12-13 8:07 AM - edited 2023-12-13 8:08 AM
See the names in the Vector Table in startup_stm32l4xx.s
Name will not be X, but rather the pin or grouping ie
EXTI9_5_IRQHandler() // External Line[9:5]s
On U5 each EXTI has it's own handler, most STM32 do not
Put the body code for your function in stm32l4xx_it.c or main.c, there is typically only a weak placeholder in startup.s
2023-12-14 2:43 AM
I found the reason: the screenshot under"Check GPIO configuration", the item "GPIO Pull-up/Pull-down" should be selected as "Pull-up" for the former item "GPIO mode" selected as "...Falling edge...".
2023-12-14 3:57 AM
Sounds like the answer to an entirely different question..
2023-12-14 9:30 PM
I'm sorry, I haven't expressed clearly. I want to find the solution, so firstly guessed it maybe lack of "EXTIX_IRQHandler", I found it later, and that was not the reason, then I found the solution. Thanks for your suggestion instantly.